Monday, 17 January 2011

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

For me to be able to complete my opening sequence, I had to use a wide range of technology which all were useful in different ways.

Video Camera:

Because I had used the schools camera previously for my preliminary task and remake of Footloose I felt very confident using a piece of equipment I had learned to use before so I chose to use a school camera. Also there pictures when watching videoing is much clearer and more defined. This photograph (on the right)  is not the exact camera I used to produce my project however it is very similar with the same components. I also thought this camera was at a great advantage because it was small which made it easier to handle when filming and it made the camera more easier to keep it steady.


I found this piece of equipment very useful when doing my close up shots. This is because if it was hand-held you could see it slightly shaking however using the tripod kept it looking professional and it was steady. It kept everything at the same level however sometimes it was a bit of a problem because with the close up I had to keep checking back on my work to see if the tear shots were at the same level as the beginning when the actor blinks.

Apple Mac Computer:

If I did not have this computer I could not have produced my film at all. It is very important like the Camera and Premiere Pro software because without any of them I could not have shot my footage, transferred it to the computer or edited it. The computer was very easy to use as I am familiar with using them throughout my school years.

Premiere Pro:
As I have already mentioned without this piece of software my film would have been pointless as it would have just stayed on the camera as this is the only way to import it. Also I did all my editing on this software with the lighting and music to give it that extra eerie look. I've learned a lot using this software and how much it benefits at making a proffesional film. i've never known technology like this however it is very beneficial and can change a simple piece of footage into something quite amazing.

     Websites and programmes I used:  Youtube, Blogger, Itunes & Google.

Youtube- youtube was a website which i found very useful. this is because it allowed me to watch opening sequences of films that were similar to the genre i had chosen. the opening sequences i looked at for influences were Dexter, Prom Night, Paranormal Activity and The strangers. They all are in the genre of horror, thriller and mystery. I also used youtube to import my final film aswell as my remake film and preliminary film this was so i could put it on my blog. I also used it for parts of my evaluation e.g. the voice over and the annotations. Youtube played a big role for my work overall and it helped me out a lot. without it i think my work would suffer a lot.

Itunes- Itunes was a software i used to download royalty free music. it helped me listen to the different music i had imported and which one i thought was more appropriate for my film. it also helped import onto premiere pro much easier.

Blogger- Blogger is a website i used to upload my video and a way to show my completed work. This helped me a lot keeping my work in a safe place where there could be no mistakes made of misplaced work.

Google- Google helped me throughout all information i needed to collect or know. for example knowing the different genres of movies I looked at which one appealed to me and what one i preferably wanted to do for my main film. it also helped to get to other website links such as youtube. it is always something everyone relies on for more information on a subject or a guidline and it helped me a lot.

These are screen shots of editing i used on Adobe Premiere Pro. I used a variety of tools and my main effects i used were the additive dissolve, cross dissolve, dip to black and dip to white and I have chosen images where i thought would be appropriate to show where i used the effects.
I also chose an image of how I changed the levels of the music when there was other contrasts of music. e.g. the police radio then it contrasted with a radio report. I also used this because you can see where i have also used dip to black.

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