Shot list
1. The first shot is going to be an extreme close up of half of a mans face creating an enigma effect.
2. The second shot is a medium close up shot of a girls arm/hand
3. The third shot then goes back to the extreme close up of half of the mans face.
4. The fourth shot goes back to the medium close up of the girls arm/ hand but this time with blood dripping down the arm/hand.
5. The fifth shot then returns back to the extreme close up of half the mans face however with a tear going down his face.
6. The sixth shot is of a medium shot of feet hanging and swaying like they have been hung.
This shot then tilts downwards then upwards slowly.
7. The seventh shot is of the extreme close up of half the mans face however with a blood tear contrasting from the clear tear.
8. The eighth shot is a close up of a hand holding the girls bracelet covered in blood like he had taken it is a rememberence.
9. The ninth shot is the close up shot of the arm/hand with the blood dripping however it is closer in focusing more on the bracelet for the reason of the last shot.
10. The tenth shot is an over the shoulder shot from the mans view looking at the girl through the blinds walking home.
11. the eleventh shot is a long shot of the girl walking down her street to her home.
12. this next shot is a pan shot of the girl walking up to her house.
13.This next shot is a match on action shot of the girl opening her front door however it then cuts where we see her opening it from the inside.
14.the fourteenth shot is a medium shot a bit tilted upwards and it follows him as he looks the other way.
15.the next shot is an extreme close up of the mans lips which then turns into an evil smiles
16. the last shot is an upward shot of the man hitting down a shovel.
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