For a part of my evaluation we had to do annotations showing what we done and what we thought of it and how we wanted it to reflect on the audience. it was quite simple as it was sort of structured out like the premiere pro software and i found it quite useful. The picture above shows annotations of the first shot. the annotations include why i did the shot and how i thought it would affect the audience. in the second annotation the bottom right hand corner i used entered a link to show what influenced me on this shot.
These are the tools i used to help make the annotations and notes:
To begin with the annotations you simply click on annotations and you get a choice of speech bubbles or notes. I mainly used speech bubbles as it points to what you are talking about like a specific shot. when you click on the speech bubbles it pops up and you can adjust the size to it and as you can see from this screen shot you type the text you want to write in the box and if it is too big for the speech bubble just adjust it. below the text box for the speech bubble you can see 3 different small boxes which you click on and they drop down into a larger variety. the first one is the font size how big you want your font and the second it the colour of the font. the third is the colour of the speech bubble. It is best to keep it simple with dark colours because bright colours it can be hard to read this is what i found out when testing out the colours.
This screen shot is the link to watch the video clip that you have produced so once finished and published people can watch it by simply copying and pasting this link or by typing in the name of what you called the video.
This timeline is similar to the premier pro one. you can change the length of the speech bubbles and you can also cut them if they are too long. i think this made it alot easier keeping it within the timing of the shots. it was not difficult to use as if you need to shorten the speech bubble down to a fraction you simply zoomed in using the zoom in and out tool on the left hand side of the timeline and shortened it down that way.
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